My First Blog Post!

My First Blog Post!

Hi, I'm Jo and I'm a technophobe!

Nevertheless here I am blogging away on my new website. When I first approached my website designer words such as 'blog', 'hosting' and 'domain name' caused a film of perspiration to form on my brow but luckily for me he acquiesced to my request to 'speak to me as though I'm really thick' and has been very patient with me. The adage is that 'pen is mightier than the sword' but in my case the pen is definitely easier than the keyboard. So, if you want to witness a technologically-challenged artist attempt to drag herself into the 21st century (who wouldn't?), you've come to the right place.

That's not to say that I haven't learnt my way around a laptop over the last couple of years for the more businessy side of things but I still practice art in the traditional way. I paint pictures. With paint, On paper. And although I admire digital artists I was born with a pencil in my hand and physical drawing and painting is what I know and love (you know what they say about old dogs and new tricks). Perhaps I'll try to learn one day but for now I'm happy to be covered in real-life paint for 98% of my time.

The way in which I have conducted my business has been, up until now, quite dependent on customer participation/attendance. Through art exhibitions, fairs and shops. Facebook was my sole avenue for online selling and it was also my greatest technological conquest (and yes, I did feel like King Ding-A-Ling when I mastered it). But I feel the time has come to develop an ecommerce strategy for my business to allow customers to view my range of designs from the comfort of their own homes. And most importantly for anyone, anywhere, to share with me my love of creativity and artistic expression. My hope is that enjoyment can be derived from my work, which was, is and will remain... my ultimate goal.
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