
About Me

'Why shouldn't art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world' - Pierre-August RenoirI couldn't agree more, Renoir. To me, art can exist simply to incite joy. I paint what I find aesthetically and emotionally pleasing, and for me that is our collective relationship with the beauty and wonder of our natural world and it's plethora of life. I have a great respect for animals and would describe myself as an 'animal empath' (in other words, the girl who hangs out with the dog at a party). I use my art as a lens in which to capture this affinity. I want the viewer to see animals and nature as I do and if they can derive admiration of the subject matter then it is mission accomplished.

How it started

I discovered my love of drawing as soon as I was old enough to hold a pencil and I was entranced by nature as soon as I was introduced to Sir David Attenborough on the TV.Art was my (only) strength at school, and I went on to study Fine Art at university. Once I gained my degree, however, I soon realised that the field of art was a tricky career path to take. Life happened. And my creative passion became eclipsed by the everyday priorities of adult life.Although I still occasionally painted for pleasure, full time work sent my sketch books to the shelf to gather dust for the best part of a decade.It was during the nationwide lockdown of the coronavirus pandemic that I found myself furloughed from my job as a retail manager, and with time on my hands to reassess my work life. Having amassed a wealth of commercial knowledge and experience from my position, I felt it was finally time to go it alone and follow my life's dream of starting my own art and design business. YOLO, right? And so Jo Maltby ART was born.

How it's going

I work from my studio in Louth, Lincolnshire. I have also convinced my husband to relinquish his garden shed which I have converted into an extra space to work in!

Where it's headed

A mantra that I strongly believe in is that art should be accessible. I have developed my original artwork and designs into a range of gift and homeware to suit all budgets. I intend to evolve further by introducing new lines, keeping to my core values of affordability.Sustainability is a constant consideration and I am dedicated to being environmentally conscious. My packaging might not be as beautiful as some but I try to limit the use of plastics and I recycle at every opportunity.It is important to me to support fellow small businesses and I am fortunate to have great working relationships with independent suppliers and stockists.I will be attending upcoming fairs, shows and events so keep an eye on my socials for update on my arty antics!

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